The GHOST of CORNEL WEST President Obama betrayed him. He’s stopped publishing new work. He’s alienated his closest friends and allies. What happened to America’s most exciting black scholar? By Michael Eric Dyson Illustration by HelloVon APRIL 19, 2015

NOR HELL A FURY LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED” is the best-known line from William Congreve’s The Mourning Bride. But I’m concerned with the phrase preceding it, which captures wrath in more universal terms: “Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned.” Even an angry Almighty can’t compete with mortals whose love turns to hate.

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Diversity Chronicle


By Ivan Fernando

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!” Professor Noel Ignatiev, a tenured professor at Massachusetts College loudly proclaimed to his class last Monday, his final teaching day before retirement.

The good Professor’s sound and reasonable words resonate with every enlightened and progressive mind. They are indisputable and no one can debate them. They should not be controversial in…

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Joshua Lawrence Lazard

Below is an excerpt from the essay Michael Eric Dyson that was recently published entitled “The Ghost of Cornel West” in the magazine The New Republic:

This is no biased preference for the written word over the spoken; I am far from a champion of a Eurocentric paradigm of literacy. This is about scholar versus talker. Improvisational speaking bears its wonders: the emergence on the spot of turns of thought and pathways of insight one hadn’t planned, and the rapturous discovery, in front of a live audience, of meanings that usually lie buried beneath the rubble of formal restrictions and literary conventions. Yet West’s inability to write is hugely confining. For scholars, there is a depth that can only be tapped through the rigorous reworking of the same sentences until the meaning comes clean—or as clean as one can make it.

The ecstasies of the spoken word, when scholarship…

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The Nerds of Color

Big news from Dynamite Comics this morning! A few months ago, Dynamite — the independent comics company that specializes in comic adaptations of licensed media — announced they were doing a run based on the classic character Shaft, made famous by the 70s film franchise starring Richard Roundtree. In addition to all new comics and graphic novels, though, Dynamite also intends to republish the original novels by Ernest Tidyma.

This morning, the company announced the creative team on the books would be none other than fellow Nerd of Color David Walker with interiors by Brazilian artist Bilquis Evely! After the jump, check out the official announcement from Dynamite and a peek at the alternate covers for issue #1 (including a collabo between Denys Cowan and Bill Sienkiewicz that should probably be framed and hanging on your wall).

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